Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thing #11

I have to say that I really like Flickr. I have used other sites like photobucket a d rock you to do things with photos, but I really like searching through and looking at other peoples photos. For fun I searched the zoo pictures and the wedding photos. Then  I started to think about what I would use photos for in my classroom. Last year I used google images to  show my students visual examples for our Earth science vocabulary. It was so difficult for them to visualize some of the words so I put them all in a power point and showed them on the Promethean board. I sometimes would not find what I really wanted and did not know of another place to look. So tonight I decided to search for landform photos to see if I found any we could share in class. Here are some examples of some AWESOME photos that I cannot wait to share. 

from Echo_29

from geographyalltheway_phot os

from a.vieth

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